Mrs. Arushi G. Bakshi
Arushi G. Bakshi, a passionate and dedicated social worker and entrepreneur who founded Upkaar in 2016 with the focus on improving women’s lives in every aspect. Her mission is to empower every woman specially in rural and underserved areas. Upkaar is dedicated to improving the health, hygiene, and overall conditions of girls and women. From the starting, Upkaar has offered a range of services, including counselling, vocational training, and consultative workshops. Arushi’s mission is to address every economical, personal, and social issue women face in her life and offer assistance in areas, including health and hygiene. She has not only created a platform for women but also made many of them independent.

Mr. Saarthak Bakshi
Saarthak Bakshi, a healthcare entrepreneur, social worker, believer and a thinker. He is the man who supported Arushi G. Bakshi to develop what Upkaar is today. He has been a strong pillar of support for Arushi and her vision for Upkaar. He has believed in her mission from the very beginning. His guidance and encouragement helped turn Upkaar into the impactful organization it is today. Saarthak’s deep knowledge of social issues and his strong commitment to change played an important role towards empowering women. Together, they have worked to improve the lives of many girls and women by offering a range of services. His contributions have been invaluable in developing Upkaar, a platform where women and girls can become strong, independent, and self-reliant.