Our Activities

It is broadly divided into following parts

  • Welfare of surrogate mother
  • Helping hand for Childless couple
  • Vocational Training and Consultative Workshops

Welfare of Surrogate Mother

The process through which women carries & delivers the child of another couple. If genetic mother unable to conceive due to any reason then this alternate option is to deliver child is considered as best one. This term is understood as Surrogacy.

From last couple of years surrogacy is much popular way to give birth of child. Equally India became hub of surrogacy due to cheap rate & availability of manpower.

Large pool of talented doctors at affordable fee is also one of the most important reasons for it. The role of surrogate mother is more important to carry forward this activity. In surrogacy process most of the fertility centre in India though looks after surrogate mother care fully but even we feel the prime concern for giving all relief to surrogate mother.

Our work involves for This Activity are as Below

  • Provide information about surrogacy
  • Educate them properly
  • Take care for their children
  • Provide mental as well physical support

Helping hand for Childless Couple

Child as we consider best gift of GOD & by no means this gift should be away from married couple & especially due to lack of proper or unbiased information. The main problem for childless couple is to get proper information about surrogacy. High technical skilful person and availability of well qualified doctors made India epicenter of surrogacy & nos of Foreigner childless couple are now coming here with high hope in their eyes to get their dream for child success. Under UPKAAR we treat them as our family & provide all details of surrogacy related problem.

We at UPKAAR provides following activity for them

  • Complete information about surrogacy
  • Law of surrogacy
  • Process of surrogacy
  • Different centre of surrogacy
  • Meet the Surrogate mother
  • Exchange information between them